Fix Maine


Child support has to be one of the most taboo subjects anyone can broach. Its an elephant in the room. Great evil has been done in the name of "child-support." Anyone who challenges the current child support regime is immediately accused of not caring about the poor little children.

As a mother of two I can assure you that the way they collect child support from poor families such as mine HURTS CHILDREN. That is right, I personally can attest to the damage it does- specifically the fraudulent practice  of using license schemes to destroy those who "owe." A person who owes cannot support his family because he will be denied the RIGHT TO TRAVEL, the RIGHT TO SEEK MEANINGFUL EMPLOYMENT and the RIGHT TO PROPERTY. For most people with cash in the bank, steady employment etc this might seem like no problem. I so consistently hear the bogus argument that he deserves what he gets. But for someone who had fallen behind and become victim to the administrative agency finds there is no flexibility to adapt to a changing life's circumstance. Its pay or die, quite simply. For poor people who CAN'T pay, it leads to a never ending cycle of trying desperately to support themselves or their family, while struggling under the burdens the state chooses to saddle them with.

And here's the dirty secret, Child Support was never meant to support children. It was usurped by the government as a way for it to spend less on welfare, by declaring itself the supporter of welfare children and then attacking a "non-custodial" parent. All kinds of government meddling occurs in the lives of these families, including forcing people to finger a prospective parent as a condition of receiving welfare when they might otherwise have no desire to pursue support. These people often have good reasons but that matters not when gov't wants its pound of flesh.

I know I am not winning certain friends here, but I call them like I see them. This crazy idea even amongst the Patriot community that some kinds of government repression are justified rears its head here.

Weather or not you believe men should pay for illegitimate children regardless of circumstances or ability to pay, that is not the issue. The issue is, its been a hot topic issue that has been used to commit fraud, destroy lives, control people and a myriad of offenses. These are things that have happened, there are examples of people thrown in jail who were not parents, States using the statutory administration to strip people of rights and deny them due process, jail people and extort people.

If you have been a victim of vindictive child support collections, you need to join me.