Fix Maine


This is a list of other organizations within Maine who have objectives similar to this sites. Most of them address the symptoms and not the root cause of our problems, but the thought is there!

Dirty Decisions :"From the moment we enter this world, we’re led – having the benefit of hindsight, I should use the word misled – into believing that the one thing we can count on, no matter what else may fail us, is that justice will prevail... that is, if we file all of the necessary paperwork..."

Larken Rose: Larken Rose is simply an awesome member of the Government Accountability movement. You simply must hear what he has to say.

Truth Attack: Tom Cryer's website. This is the guy that went up against the DOJ and the IRS and won his tax case! He is a lawyer to boot- just proves that even a lawyer can see that the "Income Tax" is a fraud.

USA v. ME: This is the website for the lawsuit against the governments of the United States directly challenging the practise of usurpation of rights through coercive acceptance of contract, such as the "driver's license" and "Social Security."