Fix Maine

Tales from the Trenches

Here I will place stories people send to me via my contact me form! I wish to amass personal stories of how government has abused its citizens in hopes of attracting like minded people. Of particular importance to me is addressing the "sacred cows" our culture has that it accepts to allow government interdiction in people's lives. Amongst these sacred cows are child support, tax protest or tax honesty, drunk driving, and drug and alcohol interdiction issues. All of these are legitimate concerns for our population, but have been seized upon by our governments to justify all kinds of mischief!
For example, try challenging current child support systems! If you point out the glaring inequities within this system, you probably will be accused of not caring for children. Government uses emotionalism to implement whatever designs it chooses upon us, including eugenics. We must overcome such subversion, and cut to the facts if we want freedom for our children.

I will begin with my own story. Any other stories people submit to me will be edited for spelling and grammar but will otherwise be posted intact. I do not claim responsibility for accuracy of content, or any libel associated with other people's writing. If something legitimately needs to be removed, use my contact form to notify me.