Fix Maine

Federal Income Taxes

People who may disagree with me on every issue I present on this web site can probably all agree with me on this one: Federal Income Tax administration is unfair, unbalanced and demands too much from average Americans.

We all have a stake in quelling the rampant abuse the income tax represents. However, lemming like, our States refuse to defend us against the rogue "quasi-government" administrative agency that has been created for the explicit purpose of harassing our people and eating out their substance. The truth of the matter is, the fed has no authority, legitimacy, or jurisdiction to attach the paychecks of just about every working stiff who tries to exercise THE GOD GIVEN UNALIENABLE RIGHT to work for a living and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Now, the federal government has spent a lot of time and energy trying to convince the public that anybody who would challenge the legitimacy of the income tax is a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, and a crazy loony toon. They do this through sever extremely corrupt techniques. One of their favorites is to target the figure heads of the tax honest movement, put them up on trumped up charges utilizing the corruption of the courts and put them through what is in reality a mock trial. Every court room in the country, from our State county courts on up all use the same form of fraud to gain false convictions- that is, they utilize and insure the ignorance of the jury. Then, by limiting the information that the jury is exposed to, and telling them what "elements" they can consider, they are assured of obtaining the desired verdict. Very few have overcome this jury tampering fraud. This is easy in light that very few citizens understand what their true purpose in jury duty is. But that is a whole nother article...

After railroading their victim through a sham proceeding, they imprison and fine that person and then point to this evil as evidence of their righteousness. What's truly disgusting is how many people believe this.

The rest is nothing but coercion, fear,  and misinformation campaigns. The bottom line is, they enforce a tax that is so pitifully obviously unconstitutional through raw force. The proof is in the pudding.

For example, there is a mysticism to the 70,000 + pages of IRC. Most of it is weasel worded to be deliberately opaque to those of average reading levels. We employ hordes of professionals, who themselves will often admit to not understanding much of it to simply fill in the forms the feds would have us fill in. Now, if the premise that if a law is so impenetrable that an average person would not be able to figure out its meaning, then it is void for vagueness, then by that premise alone the whole thing should have been put to bed.

Now, throw in this one point- the law, the IRC, the agency are all inventions of man. We created it, we wrote it, we implement it- so why the needless complexity? There is only one logical conclusion... that the needless complexity is deliberate. Someone went through a lot of effort to turn the IRC and many other things, such as court procedures, very hard for people to discern. This gives them a lot of control because they can smack people over the heads with a dizzying array of rules, statutes, codes, regulations, deadlines, court cases and other legal mumbo jumbo until you can't answer what 2+2 equals. In the end, you are screwed and have no idea how it happened, especially when your argument is based on logical, sound principles and even a ton of research into the same. When it comes down to the nitty gritty, it really is nothing but smoke and mirrors. This amounts to fraud- theft by deception.

When you look at it on the macro like this, it becomes real simple. All the people fighting for your rights, for you- Joe Sixpack, to keep your own money for your own purposes have argued so many issues of substance. Every one of them was based on the very statutes, codes and regulations that the government claims gives them the right to take your money. So, lets set aside the winning by fraud- that is trumping up charges and ignoring the inconvenient statutes and only paying attention to the ones that damn you. With a stroke of the pen they could simply re-write the code to be easy, straightforward and understandable.

For example: One of the biggest issues patriots present to the courts is "voluntary compliance." The IRS uses this term. The feds use this term. This double speak basically means, that they force you to comply through non-physical methods such as fear and coercion. Its so obviously double speak. Why not simply dispense with it and say "mandatory compliance" and put the whole argument to bed?

When a given statute, like this one makes it clear the bounds of the authority to assess, they pretend this somehow doesn't apply. Here it shows specifically what the Secretary has to authority to act upon. The relevant section that restricts the whole damn thing to stamp taxes is highlighted in red.

§ 6201. Assessment authority (a) Authority of Secretary The Secretary is authorized and required to make the inquiries, determinations, and assessments of all taxes (including interest, additional amounts, additions to the tax, and assessable penalties) imposed by this title, or accruing under any former internal revenue law, which have not been duly paid by stamp at the time and in the manner provided by law. Such authority shall extend to and include the following: (1) Taxes shown on return The Secretary shall assess all taxes determined by the taxpayer or by the Secretary as to which returns or lists are made under this title. (2) Unpaid taxes payable by stamp ...

So there you have it- the Secretary can only lawfully act upon either stamp taxes or taxes we present to them upon a return. Now, if you bring this up or the thousands of statutes like this that clearly (or not so clearly) express the limits that do in fact exist on the their taxing authority, then you will be simply and summarily labeled "frivolous." Frivolous is a courts way of labeling you to justify ignoring your rights.

That aside, to avoid the argument they could simply write something like:

§ 6201. Assessment authority (a) Authority of Secretary The Secretary is authorized and required to make the inquiries, determinations, and assessments of all taxes (including interest, additional amounts, additions to the tax, and assessable penalties) imposed under any title, or accruing under any former internal revenue law, against any person, individual or entity the Secretary believes owes any tax.

Or why not word a simple statute at the beginning of the IRC, applicable to the whole damn thing that says something like "It is hereby held that all natural people born within the several states are liable for an income tax on all remuneration for all labor." Or if thats too broad, "on all receipts of legal tender or things of value?" Why not just define "income" as "all that comes in?"

Would that not make it more simple? Would that not eviscerate all the arguments? Does the fact that they have instead added to the complexity for generations, targeted and put people such as Irwin Schiff, Sherry Peel Jackson, and so many others through mock trials just prove the fraud?